Matthew 25 – Community Aid Fund

A lot of people come to churches looking for help, and as a church that cares about the East Nashville community, we want to be able to help. Once upon a time, a central function of the church as a worshipping community and parish was to serve as a community resource caring for the last and the least with the support of those who have more than they need. Our worship services and fellowship events are nothing but resounding gongs and clanging cymbals if we aren’t actively pursuing love of neighbor in tangible ways.

So much of our scripture focuses on socioeconomic justice, and every single day there are countless people who need

Resources added to this fund will only be used for Community Aid, never anything else. We have a practice of not giving cash resources, but this fund can be used for grocery/gas cards, utility support, shelter, etc. This fund is as simple as that, folks who have enough sharing what they have with folks who need it.

If you’d like to contribute to this fund, click here and select “Community Aid Fund” in the dropdown menu.